Change, in epic proportions

Change, in epic proportions

October 2024

I grew up on a diet of potato waffles and ‘you can only do your best’, spoken with calm reassurance and supplemented by proper camping trips, precarious rope swings across streams, and mud pies with my sister on the back lawn.


I was thinking back to those times when I found some childhood photos recently. Do you remember when we took photos and actually printed them out?

I’ve got loads of them. Family albums lying almost forgotten at the back of bookcases. And shoe boxes filled with photo envelopes, the ones that came with little pockets for the negatives, in case you wanted to reprint them again.

I really enjoy looking through them. Even though it is kind of strange to observe myself, from so many years ago. When life and growing up were all so pristine new, yet I had no idea it could feel otherwise.  

I hear my clients talk about wanting to go back to who they were. Not just picking up old hobbies, or making time for previous interests, but who they were. They often talk about when life felt more simple, fewer expectations, less pressure, easier, in a way that midlife just, isn’t.

I get that. I can relate.

I do wonder though, if this sort of wistful regression, as well as (very understandably) pining for the apparent simplicity of life pre-menopause – is it also a yearning for all the versions of ourselves we have been and can never be, again?  

I’ve described this before as a kind of grief for the past, even if your todays are generally good days.


I do also recognise that the changes we each go through, are exactly what delivers us new versions of ourselves, to see different opportunities and make new choices.
Without it, I would be stuck, stagnant even. The same version of myself across each decade of life. I wouldn’t choose that, definitely not.

“I’m so tired” has been a common starter for ten in many of my coaching sessions with midlife women, over the last ten years. When we really dig into it though, it’s not just physical tiredness.

Tiredness and exhaustion are not just symptoms of pushing on regardless, for way too long. They’re also signs of feeling stuck, sometimes frozen in overwhelm, rumination, worry. Tired of a situation or state of mind, not just physically tired from it.

We do, truly, need change.

If midlife and menopause were delivered to us via email, I really think the subject line in your inbox would be ‘Change, in epic proportions’. And the subheading would say: ‘btw it’s not all bad’.
‘Change, in epic proportions’, is one thing for me, and another for you, and we’re both going to celebrate and commiserate on different things.


Opening up my photo album again, the young girl looking back at me has no idea what’s coming next.
Her dreams and aspirations have long since faded, replaced with new ideas, plot twists and pivots, over and over.
But she is still with me and that’s okay. It is because of her, that I am who I am, now.


The further into midlife I grow, the more I’m able to acknowledge that feeling joy and meaning and contentment is not about trying to go back to the times when I last felt those things.
I don’t need to be a past version of myself, to be truly happy, now.


Where I want my effort to go, is in seeing opportunity through a window of change. Some of it welcome, some of it in my control, some of it not at all. All of it happening anyway.
It’s okay to lament the past but I owe it to myself to keep making room for new decisions, new versions of myself to come forwards.
Who I am in at each turning point, that’s where my attention needs to be.


If you recognise that something needs to change for you, but you’re just not sure what, (or you do and that’s the problem ‘cos it feels overwhelming), then get in touch here. Let’s chat about it.


If you’ve not yet joined my online community – Finding Yourself In Menopause – then check out the link below.

We are available to all women, at any stage of their midlife and menopause journey.

“Oops, I shouldn’t have said that!”

“Oops, I shouldn’t have said that!”

January 2024

He thought he’d insulted me


“Oops, oh sorry, I shouldn’t have said that!”, he said.

We’d only just met, but I know embarrassment when I see it.

The train we were on had just pulled into the station, so there wasn’t time to explain why he hadn’t insulted me at all.


If I could rewind conversation to the start, and have it over again, this is what I’d say…

When you asked me what my job is, and then made a comment to say I’m ‘at menopause’, it wasn’t an insult. You didn’t need to apologise or feel embarrassed.

I didn’t take it as an insult, at all.

What I mean is.. it shouldn’t be an insult

Many, many people would think differently, perhaps more so of your generation.

You’re retired, with a different perspective of ageing (and menopause) to me.

I don’t think it’s just a generational thing though.

The more we question our societal beliefs over the meaning of menopause, the better.

That bit is a choice.

There is even research to show that how a society views menopause as a whole, directly influences the symptoms that show up (and severity of them) for an individual within that society.

Is it an insult to say someone is menopausal?
I can see why it has been.


When it was synonymous with being ‘less’ of a woman, when we were expected to move aside to make way for younger women, and men, to take over, because our value has been, shockingly, in parallel to the function of our ovaries.

The way I see it, menopause is only an insult if we continue to see it as ‘all downhill from here’.


These days, we have more choices, more knowledge, perspectives and strategies that serve us well in how we manage this time of life, instead of it being something we’re at the mercy of.


No, when you implied I’m menopausal. You were kind of right.

I’m PERI menopausal. And proud of it.

Not all women get to this chapter of life.

I’m here and I’m ready for it.



If you recognise that you’re peri-menopausal (or post-menopausal), and want to increase your confidence in your approach to your health now and for the future, then get in touch here. I’d love to hear from you.

If you’ve not yet joined my online community – Finding Yourself In Menopause – then check out the link below.

We are available to all women who are seeking reassurance not just information.

Approach with caution?

Approach with caution?

Approach With Caution?


Do you feel wary of bringing up the subject of menopause, around other people?


The last couple of years it seems like it’s ‘everywhere’.

Books, tv programmes, podcasts, social media, news articles. Many women tell me that it’s great the information is getting out there, but they’re actually quite overwhelmed by it all.

It’s not just the amount of information available to us.


I’ve noticed a huge change in the conversations about menopause, since I first started studying this in 2014 and then menopause coaching in 2016.

Many women tell me stories about how the increased visibility in the media has made it easier to talk about it with friends.


These conversations can increase awareness and curiosity, which is great, right?

Whilst it doesn’t always follow that this leads to increased acceptance, or even being able to solve all your own problems, it can certainly help with one of the most common issues that people tell me about; the feeling of loneliness that can surround this profound life transition.


For every woman who tells me how much it helps to talk about it, and the reassurance they get from that, there’s an equal number of people who say “I don’t know how to bring it up. I don’t want to offend anyone. I don’t want to be judged for it. I’m afraid of being put on the ‘past it’ pile”

(not my words btw)


I find it frustrating but unfortunately, very understandable.

There’s still a lot of stigma and misunderstanding around this part of our lives. Particularly in workplace and career settings.


I get it, of course. We’re not all the same.

Not everybody wants to talk about this part of their life, and that’s okay of course.

I’m certainly not saying you should or need to.

I’m saying, you have a choice.

In whether you want to or not, and in how you talk about it.

From my experience with guiding people through this thing of ‘talking about menopause’ – in group workshops, small and large group settings, where the women attending could be complete strangers, or friends, or colleagues, or just members of the same group or club – I’ve noticed a few things that I’d like to share with you now.

About what works well, and what doesn’t, for it to be useful for everyone involved. Let’s get into that now…



1.) Have you ever felt concerned of being judged harshly, or pigeon-holed, of being overlooked for promotions?

Or having to face some kind of backlash for your choices or your personal experience – even with friends?

Did you know there is workplace law to protect you from many of these pitfalls?

Whilst we don’t have a ‘menopause law’ not yet anyway, there are protected characteristics, age and gender being part of that.


In the UK, ACAS provide fantastic free help on this – check it out if it interests you.

The other thing is, you don’t have to share much to feel supported, particularly in a small group setting.

Many of my small-group clients have mentioned how relieved they felt to be able to say ‘oh gosh me too!’, they were just waiting for someone else to start the conversation.

This is regardless of whether it’s a conversation between colleagues or good friends.



2.) Starting the conversation could happen in a thousand different ways (it doesn’t need to be painfully awkward!)

You could mention an article you’ve read and ask if anyone else has seen it.

You could mention a particular thing you’re doing at the moment, or something you’ve recently become aware of.

I remember one lady who had a few one to one sessions with me, saying that she’d started the conversation at work by saying how much more energetic she was feeling, now she could sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed.

Eventually the conversation came around to energy and why sleep commonly goes awry, and the role of menopause in that.


‘Talking about menopause’ doesn’t necessarily involve divulging very personal information or pushing yourself towards awkward vulnerability.

You get to choose how much you share.



3.) If you’re feeling uneasy about bringing up the conversation of menopause, you’re definitely not alone in that.

Employers can be just as anxious about approaching this topic as employees, there can be pitfalls for both parties.

That’s why it can be really useful to bring in a specialist, to provide a general ‘introductory session’, to start off the conversations in a way that is inclusive for all.

This is one of the services that I provide (of course you knew I was going to say that!). It can be a one-off or a series of events either in person or online, to suit your needs.

Did you know the current statistics show one in ten women will leave a job due to menopause, resulting in potentially huge upheaval for both employer and employee.

It could be so easily avoided by providing some support, so that women feel valued and comfortable in their workplace, and are able to continue in their careers.


4.) Sometimes there is is a concern that by introducing the topic of menopause, some people may be offended.

The old myths and misunderstandings surrounding menopause and midlife are just that, old and outdated, but they can still be hurtful to some.

You’re right that it does need to be approached in a sensitive way.

Trying to avoid upsetting people by avoiding the conversation completely, doesn’t solve it.

Not everyone is ready to talk about it, not everyone will want to, and that’s okay.
Some people really do struggle, so it can be tricky to know where to start.


I’ve built up a ton of knowledge and expertise in coaching over the last ten years, so I feel qualified to say that one of the most helpful things you can do for anyone (even if you’re not sure if it is menopause they’re struggling with), is to listen to them.

You don’t need to have all the answers but you do need to know how to listen really well, and without judgement.



5.) Talking about menopause is more than a chat about HRT.

In fact in my experience as a coach I would go as far to say that talking about almost anything in your life, as a woman at midlife, is talking about menopause!

 The changes we go through, it’s not just a ‘biological event’, it’s a whole body/mind transition, our body and brain are going through a major reshuffle (or kerfuffle? you decide!) – of course it’s going to affect each of us differently.

On that note, don’t assume it’s going to be an entirely ‘negative’ conversation.


Sometimes laughter and jokes can hide the struggle or embarrassment, but there is also genuine joy to be found – without making us the butt of the joke (have you read my blog on the Ten Best Things About Menopause, yet?)

Some of the most common topics in my workshops and group discussions don’t always sound like they’re directly about menopause, but they are…


Stress, confidence, motivation, relationships; they’re all indirectly or even directly affected by what’s happening at menopause.


Bottom line is; there’s no rush or pressure to go in at the deep end – whether you’re with friends or at work. 

I advise that you aim for connection (the basis of support) – you don’t have to share every physical or mental ailment to do that.

6.) For many workplaces, there is often an existing framework around ‘mental health’ or wellbeing at least.

This can be the ideal stepping-stone for talking about menopause.

After all, it commonly affects not just physical health but mental health, too.
Plus, it’s no longer acceptable to write this off as a ‘woman’s problem’ to deal with on her own. The more inclusive conversations we have, the better.


I’ve been invited to many workplaces and mixed groups where it was recognised that everyone needed to understand more about all this, they just didn’t know how to go about it.

How do you go about it?

Well, as discussed above, pick any starting point.

It could be about mental health, or menopause, or any other aspect of health. Be aware that menopause crosses over into many areas of health – it’s not all about hot flushes and HRT.


In a workplace situation, let the conversation move towards some of the more practical aspects, as appropriate.

For example, what can an employer reasonably do, to help support their female staff? -well, as it turns out, there are many answers to that and it doesn’t have to include huge budgets and policy changes if you’re not ready for that yet.

There are some really simple and effective ways of increasing awareness, replacing myths with helpful advice, and improving the capacity for conversation and support overall. 

Get in touch if you want to know more.


As you’re likely aware, menopause can touch so many aspects of our lives.

It’s not a disease to eradicate, it’s a part of our lives that we need to be acknowledged by those around us, in a respectful way.
If you’re looking for help or advice in this area, get in touch here.

If you’ve not yet joined my online community – Finding Yourself In Menopause – then check out the link below.

We are available to all women who are seeking reassurance not just information.

Ten best things about menopause

Ten best things about menopause

The 10 best things about menopause

Yes really.


Menopause has for too long been characterised by the words ‘loss’ and ‘decline’.


I want to push the pendulum the other way, to point out what you can gain – in a great way – from going through menopause*


*results may vary.

Of course, we all go through our own individual experience.

With this blog, I’m intending to highlight what can go really well for us when we’re acting on our needs – physically, mentally, spiritually.

I’m writing this from some personal experience (currently at peri menopause) but mostly from the hundreds of conversations I’ve had with clients.


1.) You become your own Wise Woman, the Elder. Nobody can dispute the wisdom and life experience you’ve gained.


2.) More fire in your belly on what really matters to you and what you’re willing to let slide (or not slide) – no more nonsense, lots more fortitude!


3.) You can ditch the patriarchal driven values that say our usefulness to the world is attached to youth and an ability to bear children. At menopause, we can have unequivocal say over our own worth, and we express it however we choose.


4.) You know who you are, what you need, what you want and what you’re capable of. It’s driven by curiosity rather than a need to please or fulfill the requirements of others.


5.) Stronger friendships and sisterhoods, as you find the people who really get you, and who you really want to be around.


6.) For those that require contraceptives to prevent pregnancy, you can look forward to ditching them! (please still practise safe-sex though)


7.) Plants. You gain loads more house plants. A near obsession with house plants (or is that just me?!)


8.) You end up adapting and amending your boundaries to reflect who you are, now. Physical, emotional, mental boundaries. It’s easier to say ‘no’ or ‘let me get back to you’ – far easier than ever before!


9.) You gain even more self respect, as you review who you’ve been and all that you’ve been through. Along with thousands of moments to practise self compassion and kindness.


10.) Freedom from periods, and period products, the dreaded leaking and the worry that comes with perching on a pale coloured sofa.


What would you add?

If you’re reading this and feeling annoyed, pissed off or wondering why you’re missing out – get in touch.

I’d love to send you some further support and guidance – send me an email here and tell me what you need help with.

If you’ve not yet joined my online community – Finding Yourself In Menopause – then check out the link below.

We are available to all women who are seeking reassurance not just information.

Do this instead of meditation

Do this instead of meditation

If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, generally not feeling great mentally or emotionally – what do you do, to shift it quickly?

[June 2023]

There’s a lot of advice out there in the world of health and wellness, as preventative strategies.
Things you could choose do to help take a side-step around anxiety, emotional rollercoasters, low moods, irritability.

For example.. eat for blood sugar regulation, do what you can to support sleep, engage in different types of meditation or mind-body activities that feel soothing.



What about IN THE MOMENT, when it all gets too much?
When you’re irritable and upset, anxious and overwhelmed?

When the freedom of being able to choose is hijacked by the primitive part of your brain, so you might feel really stuck…

What then?

I’m not going to suggest protein and fibre in those moments. Or meditation apps.

Or supplements that we know are supportive of brain health!

‘In the moment’, even if that lasts a few hours or a whole day,
you need a way to move through those low feelings. 
Because I promise you, it will shift again.

How can you make that happen, so how you feel doesn’t derail your day?

When you’re starting to spiral within yourself, when it’s overwhelming and upsetting and you just feel lost in all those feelings that start to resemble despair…

There’s TWO things you need to do,

and it doesn’t matter which order you them but I do want you to do them as soon as you can.

1.) Tell someone how you’re feeling

Tell someone you trust will hear you, even if they don’t exactly relate or know what to do. Being there to listen IS helping.
I encourage my clients to write a post in our community. Or to send me a message.
Say it in three words or three hundred. Whatever you can.

It’s important you break the feeling of isolation.

2.) Move

Move your body, try to avoid staying still.
It could look like… going up and down the stairs a few times.

Or circling your shoulders whilst standing up.

Swaying from side to side, looking around the room as you twist your body.

Or 10 jumping jacks.

Or a walk with the dog, any dog lol, that starts slow and then gets a bit faster.

Or it could be lying on the floor, bringing knees to chest and back down again, stretching your arms overhead.

All the other helpful things, like what you eat, how you exercise, supplements, what you do for sleep etc

they’re all great, are still worth the effort and DO work. 
(you know caffeine and sugar exacerbate stress, low moods and low energy, right?)

The helpful preventative strategies, the benefits of lifestyle choices are running in the background, and sometimes you need something now, in the moment. 

It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you as such, and perhaps how you’re feeling is a reasonable response to other things happening,

but you do need to do something differently to move through it. 


There’s no single ‘right answer’ for this, and the two things I’ve shared above have come from years of helping not only myself but hundreds of other women, too.


This is a topic we frequently revisit in the Finding Yourself In Menopause, online community.

If you’ve not yet joined my online community – Finding Yourself In Menopause – then check out the link below.

We are available to all women who are seeking support not just information.