How to lose weight at
midlife and menopause
Have you noticed that you put on weight more easily than you used to?
(and have you noticed that the things that used to work, just aren’t as effective anymore?)
Do you want to know how to change this, so that you can feel lighter?
With this short course, I want to show you exactly why calorie counting and generally ‘eating a bit less’ or ‘moving a bit more’, aren’t specific enough for most women over forty, who want to lose weight.
Not everyone wants to lose weight, it’s not a priority for everyone, and that’s great.
But for those who do, I know you’re keen to know what to do – without doing anything drastic or unrealistic.
The information in this guide is the same advice and guidance I provide to my private clients, to help them understand why the things they’ve been trying, haven’t worked up to now.
Inside this guide, I explain exactly what will help, and why. No diets, no supplements, no bs.
You will know the science and facts behind the strategies that really work, so that you can feel more empowered about your own body, and make the choices that are right for you.
By using the guidance I’ve provided, my clients have not only lost weight, but they’ve gained confidence, energy and taken a huge step towards finding their mojo again.
“It wasn’t just the weight. I wanted to feel more comfortable in my clothes, and more energetic. I already feel like I’m improving in those areas and look forward to even more! It feels exciting and under my control (even liberating) whereas it felt a bit out of reach before.” -D.H.
“I’m not sure how much weight I’ve lost but I’ve definitely noticed my clothes fitting better.” -J.B.
“It’s not just the weight, it’s the way it makes you feel. Starting to lose it properly now makes me realise how much it was getting me down”