Change, in epic proportions

Change, in epic proportions

Peri-menopause is not just a hormonal event it’s a life phase that nudges us to question what we really want and need, now. And shoves us into a process where we question what we can really do with those answers.

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You don’t know, what you don’t know

You don’t know, what you don’t know

There was a specific moment as a child, when I realised that not everyone lived like my family. I know you're just dying for me to say we lived in a tin hut up a mountain. That would have been very cool, but untrue. I was ten maybe eleven when my whole class travelled...

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“I just want to feel like the old me”

“I just want to feel like the old me”

(August 2021) It's one of the most common phrases I hear;"I just want to feel like the old me again" Some women tell me they feel lost, drifting Many more women tell me they feel tired. Physically and mentally 'tired in my bones' and also 'tired of' doing...

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Helpful Herbs for Menopause

Angie Garton (April 2021) We've got very used to 'doing' health in the same way, along the lines of... you detect something isn't quite right, you look for how to alleviate the problem.It's the accepted way, to use a specific treatment for an ailment or problem.For...

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Clearing the fog

You know that feeling in the morning, when you'd rather have complete silence until the morning coffee has had a chance to kick in? Or have you ever found the car keys in the fridge? Felt paranoid at work, or doubting yourself? You're not alone. Many women feel this...

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It’s more than ‘just’ menopause

It’s more than ‘just’ menopause

Some days it feels to me like the whole world is shifting on its axis. And at times I'm both scrabbling to keep up, and very much content with doing things my way. I mean, apart from the obvious global shifts that have happened in the last 12 months, my period cycle...

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Soulful strategies for hormonal balance

Soulful strategies for hormonal balance

Nurturing my adventurous spirit to increase resilience in menopause.  I feel it in my soul, even on the dull rainy days. It’s not just about ‘getting a bit of fresh air’. Not for me, and I doubt for you either. Being in nature lifts me up in a different way than an...

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What can I expect to happen?

What can I expect to happen?

May 2020I remember asking what it would be like, to jump out of an aeroplane.The instructor gave the textbook answer in a calm and reassuring voice, and then proceeded to continue the training for it.  Truthfully, he didn’t know. He would never know. He knew what...

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Put The Weapons Down

Put The Weapons Down

Menopause Is Not a war, But It Is a Call To Action. I think there are many women and even many of my friends, who haven’t realised yet that they are peri-menopausal.

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