Midlife Map Making
Midlife Map Making Workshop
Create your route towards more ease, more joy, good health and contentment.
(without letting midlife and menopause get in the way)
Can I let you into a secret?
Sometimes I get a teeny bit frustrated by the conversation around midlife and menopause getting dominated by the words hormonal decline.
It’s a valid conversation to have, absolutely. But the changes we go through at midlife are more than hormonal. I know there can be mixed feelings about this time of life.
Sometimes frustration, bewilderment, or just that creeping feeling of disatisfaction and wanting something to change.
And sometimes delight, defining yourself anew, or catching glimpses of how it could feel to accept all of you, just as you are.
All of this, alongside your deepest hopes, dreams and desires for yourself. Or perhaps some of those have turned into wistful wishes?
It’s common for us to feel unsettled, a bit lost at times. We can’t go back to who we were, but… the way forwards can often feel unclear.
I’ve had many a conversation about this with clients, colleagues, friends – and heard many similarities. And it’s become very clear to me that midlife and menopause, for many of us, can become catalysts for change. Positive change, included.
Feeling happy and truly content; experiencing more joy and ease in everyday life – what if we were to cultivate more of this? Even when hormonal shifts are happening?
Of course.. adulting kinda gets in the way of youthful exuberance for life.
Life has changed, so has your midlife mind (not just your body!)
And so the ‘route’ through midlife requires a slightly different map than we’ve each been using.
If any of this has resonated so far, I’d love for you to join me for this two part workshop.
We’ll be online in a small group for this (recordings will be made available to those registered), on
Tuesday 1st April at 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Monday 7th April at 7:30pm – 9:00pm
From this Midlife Map Making workshop, you’ll get:
-Space to think, time to listen to yourself and hear your wants (not just your needs)
-Gain direction and support. Feel excited for your midlife journey, whether you’re 40 or 65 or somewhere in between
-Map out your own route, starting where you are now, using the techniques and resources shared over two online sessions
-How to bring more joy, fun, ease, fulfilment and health in to your life, even when day to day life is busy
-Feel inspired and motivated rather than getting bogged down in overwhelm.
“The time went so quickly and I’ve got so much from it. Thank you for your patience and guidance Angie, I feel energised and uplifted and I didn’t expect that!”

“It’s been such a worthwhile way of exploring myself, I feel much more positive and inspired. I hadn’t expected to come away with all this [practical application] in a way that feels actually quite doable. I normally avoid navel gazing activities! You made it much more useful. Thank you Angie.”